In Mandarin, Hulu has two interesting meanings, each highly relevant to our mission. The primary meaning interested us because it is used in an ancient Chinese proverb that describes the Hulu as the holder of precious things. It literally translates to “gourd,” and in ancient times, the Hulu was hollowed out and used to hold precious things. The secondary meaning is interactive recording. We saw both definitions as appropriate bookends and highly relevant to the mission of Hulu.
つまり、2つの意味があり、1つは古代中国のことわざで「葫芦」hu(2) lu(轻)、ヒョウタン(瓢箪)を大切なモノの入れ物として使われていました。


2つ目の意味は、互录hu(4) lu(4) で、互いに(インタラクティブ)に記録するという意味です。単語としては聞いたことはないですが、字を見ればおおよその意味はわかるものだと思います。
After generating a long list of potential names and writing them all over the walls, Eric Feng (CTO) suggested the name Hulu. He didn’t just randomly come up with the clever name. He highly considered it for a previous company. Prior to joining Hulu, Feng was the Founder and CEO of Mojiti – an online video automation service located in Beijing, China. Mojiti was almost called Hulu. The team liked the name because it was short, fun, easy to pronounce and didn’t have any meaning in the english language. In other words, the name did come with any false impressions. This is one of the greatest benefits of picking a name that doesn’t exist in the marketplace.
CTOのEric Feng(Wikipediaではアメリカ人になっているので、両親が中国系の方でしょうか)が提案した名前がHuluです。彼は突然ランダムに思いついたのではなく、以前の会社でその名前を考えていました。以前の会社とは北京の自動オンラインビデオの会社Mojitiでした。名前は短く、面白く、発音しやすい事、また英語にその言葉がないことも、市場に出すにはとても良いとチームメンバーは気に入りました。